Reading, Film & Podcast Recommendations: March

Our March readings and podcasts selection includes books, articles, and podcasts we think you’ll enjoy.


Social Movements and NGOs: Can They Get Along?

Outlines some of the pitfalls and pathways towards more impactful partnership between NGOs and Movements. At Inclusive Peace, our partnership approach is informed by many of the challenges, perverse incentives, and contradictions which the article outlines. While there’s more work to do to be able to more nimbly and equitably support movements, this article was an encouraging read which showed that we are pursuing the right track.

Recommended by Alex Shoebridge

Chums: How a Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over the U.K. by Simon Kuper

Chronicles how a tribe of young men coalesced at Oxford in the mid and late 1980s and would go on to run the U.K. (and resoundingly successfully I might add!), providing an interesting taxonomy of Oxford in the process.

Recommended by Alex Bramble


Adam Grant, Work Life

Great reflections on work, life and how to make both better (and not just more balanced). Adam Grant is a best-selling author, award winning professor and researcher in organisational psychology.

Recommended by Rainer Gude

Rethinking Humanitarianism | More trade; less aid? By the New Humanitarian

In this episode, guest speakers look at the role of the World Trade Organisation in shaping how interaction between countries can improve relations to avoid unfair competitive markets, which has in the past led to conflicts and wars. This podcast discusses the terms of trade that haven’t changed much since the early 1990s. The use of aid for the short term and how this would affect the long term economic development when trade isn’t picking up due to low value trading.

Recommended by Wairimu Wanjau