Election Year 2024: When Elections Fall Short of Addressing Polarisation, National Dialogues or Governments of Unity Could Be the Solution
More than 60 countries are heading to the polls this year, and in some countries, elections pose the risk of exacerbating polarisation Our Founder & Director Thania Paffenholz reflects on how national dialogues might complement elections as
Highlights from Our Latest Peer Exchange on Gender-Sensitive Ceasefires with Women Peacebuilders from the MENA region
In this blog, you will find key highlights from a recent closed-door discussion among women peacebuilders from the MENA region on gender-sensitive ceasefires Last week, Inclusive Peace and UN Women hosted a peer exchange that
A Challenging Climb May Begin at the Peak: Reflections on the Swiss-hosted Summit on Peace in Ukraine
Doubts are growing regarding the relevance of the Swiss-hosted Summit on Peace in Ukraine given the absence of Russia and the influential states from the so-called Global South Our researcher Philip Poppelreuter explains why the
Insights from Wilton Park: Navigating Gender Policies and Practices in Today’s Global Landscape
Inclusive Peace’s Founder & Director Thania Paffenholz, recently attended a conference at Wilton Park on the role of gender in conflict The conference provided a reminder of the necessity of collaborative efforts to achieve gender equality and
New Report Shows the Need to Enhance Women’s Inclusion in the Kosovo-Serbia Peace Process
Our latest report zeroes in on crucial gaps in the Track II Kosovo-Serbia peace process, highlighting the importance of reshaping the process to make engagements more inclusive Despite progress in women’s representation in leadership positions, significant barriers still hinder women’s
Embarking on Peacebuilding: First-time Facilitating Women of Faith in Ethiopia
As a part of growing our internal capacity as peacebuilders, junior staff members are invited to join more senior staff to gain hands-on experience with peacebuilding Read here our Peace Process Support and Research Assistant Qabas al-Musawi reflect
Why Swiss Peace Promotion Policies and Practices Need a Rethink
Inclusive Peace’s Director & Founder, Thania Paffenholz, recently attended the closing panel of the International Cooperation Forum Switzerland, where she joined colleagues from the field in a discussion on the state of peacebuilding today and Switzerland’s role in
A Demonstration of Political Will: Our Thoughts on the African Union’s Commitment to a 30 % Gender Quota for Women’s Participation
The African Union’s new policy framework to support women’s participation on the continent is a promising step in the right direction This blog reflects on the importance of the policy framework and what it takes to secure implementation Inclusive Peace
One Year Into the Ongoing Conflict in Sudan: Reflections from our Peace Process Support Advisor Dr Ayak Chol Deng Alak
One year into the ongoing conflict in Sudan, our Peace Process Support Advisor Dr Ayak Chol Deng Alak, reflects on her work with our Sudanese civilian counterparts in Kampala and the challenges and needs emerging INGOs compete internally to support
How Can Technology Help Address Global Peace Challenges? Reflections from the First PeaceTech Hackathon
Inclusive Peace’s Researcher Philip Poppelreuter, shares three impressions from the recent PeaceTech Hackathon in Lausanne, where students and professionals from various backgrounds came together to solve challenges around peace & tech As Inclusive Peace, we have increasingly examined opportunities
Rethinking Women’s Inclusion in Peace Processes: What We Learned from a WPS Peacemaking Training in Ethiopia
Our Founder & Director Thania Paffenholz and our Head of Peace Process Support, Alexander Shoebridge, recently met with our new partner The African Women Peace and Security Institute, in Addis Ababa, to discuss how women mediators and
Multi-stakeholder political dialogue processes: Lessons from and for the Ethiopian National Dialogue
Inclusive Peace’s Director, Thania Paffenholz, reflects on her recent experience supporting our partners at the forefront of steering and shaping Ethiopia’s national dialogue process Author: Thania Paffenholz I recently had the privilege to spend time with
“There is so much wisdom in this room”: Reflections from a recent religious actors peer convening
In late January, we co-organised a peer convening of religious actors in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss how findings from our recent report on the role of religious actors in formal peacemaking could help to encourage more thoughtful and effective
The Future is Female and African: Reflections from the African Union High-Level Forum on Women, Peace, and Security
Inclusive Peace’s Director, Thania Paffenholz, reflects on her participation in the recent 4th High-Level Africa Forum on Women, Peace, and Security Author: Thania Paffenholz I recently had the privilege to attend and present at
Mission reflections: Creating space to heal trauma with religious leaders in Tigray
While the recognition of the significance of mental health grows within the peacebuilding domain, there still is a tendency to overlook how important it is to address traumas before engaging in peace processes or national dialogues As
New article in Harvard journal: Why international actors need to step back to advance localisation in peacebuilding
New scientific article from Inclusive Peace’s Phillip Poppereuter, Nick Ross and Thania Paffenholz argues that the role of international actors in peacebuilding needs to be redefined in order to advance a truly transformative localisation agenda Read
New report on the role of Religious Actors in formal peace processes
A few years back, we started research on the role of religious actors in formal peace processes in collaboration with colleague S Ayse Kadayifci-Orellana at the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security The report is now out with
Let’s talk about localisation in peacebuilding: Are we moving towards a radical transformative agenda or is it just more of the same?
Author: Thania Paffenholz The localisation agenda has reached the peacebuilding field In this blog I am asking the question if the localisation agenda can be the next local turn in peacebuilding Is it an agenda that offers truly transformative
Five takeaways from the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference in The Hague by Thania Paffenholz
Inclusive Peace’s ED, Thania Paffenholz, here reflects on her recent participation in the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy 2023 Conference in The Hague After an intense WPS week in New York, I arrived exhausted in The Hague ahead of the
Investing in Women & Peace: The Stories of Women’s Essential Roles Shaping Peace Processes Worldwide
As part of Geneva Peace Week 2023 Digital Series, Inclusive Peace has collaborated with Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) to host five podcast episodes where women peacebuilders from around the world discuss and exchange their experiences in promoting
Reflections after WPS week: The WPS participation agenda needs a re-conceptualisation in light of the changing geopolitical realities
Author: Thania Paffenholz Inclusive Peace’s Executive Director reflects on her recent engagements during WPS week 2023 in New York I just got back from New York where I attended the WPS week and I am full of good vibes, hope,
Dr. Ayak Chol Deng Alak on why women peacebuilders are so important: “Women bring the human aspect into peace processes”
Marking the end of #October1235, we here bring reflections from our Peace Process Support Advisor Dr Ayak Chol Deng Alak on why supporting women peacebuilders is fundamental to promoting peace and security About Ayak Ayak has a background in
Ending the war in Sudan: How to support a viable civilian-led political process
Authors: Thania Paffenholz and Nick Ross Violent conflict in Sudan continues to escalate with the country teetering on the brink of fragmentation While attention within and outside of Sudan is understandably focused on the
Why women’s coalitions are crucial to transforming gendered power dynamics in peace and security
Inclusive Peace has been supporting women’s coalitions in a range of contexts since its founding Our latest work includes convening leaders of women’s coalitions from Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Yemen Get an overview of why this work is
Peacebuilding in the Mountains: Our Operations Coordinator reflects on her recent training with fellow millennial peacebuilders in Stans
Our Operations Coordinator Giulia Ferraro recently spent two weeks in Stans participating in the 24th Swiss Peacebuilding Training Course Here she shared her reflections from the interaction with like-minded professionals in their thirties who are also committed to
Transforming gendered power dynamics: Top 7 reading recommendations from our bookshelf
Our research team has compiled a list of reading materials from our library for you to dive into during this week of International Day of Peace This list presents you with inspiring readings on how to make peace
Q&A with our Research Team: How comparative evidence can guide options for a negotiated end to the war in Ukraine
Inclusive Peace has just launched a report sharing ideas and options for a negotiated end to the war in Ukraine Read the co-authors, Alexander Bramble, Nick Ross and Philip Poppelreuter’s reflections on the importance of
Taking a time-out: How a peacebuilder finds some peace
Peacebuilders need to take time out to recharge too Inclusive Peace’s Peace Process Support Advisor, Rainer Gude reflects on how taking a walk helped a peacebuilder find some peace of mind Bob Marley’s legendary producer, Lee “Scratch” Perry, once
New report on next steps for a negotiated end to the war in Ukraine
18 months into the war in Ukraine, a diplomatic solution is gaining momentum However, diplomatic initiatives acutely lack discussions on what a negotiation process could look like and how to prepare for it Meanwhile, there is stalemate on the battlefield
Four key takeaways from our latest research on ending the violence in Sudan
Our latest policy paper outlines pathways to ending the violence and creating an inclusive Sudanese society Read a summary of the paper and four key takeaways here and dive deeper into the paper linked below Since the escalation of
Inclusive Peace learnings: How civil society and faith-based organisations can overcome challenges to inclusive transitional justice processes
Transitional justice processes play a pivotal role in addressing past wrongs, holding perpetrators accountable, and providing reparations to victims The processes are complex and challenging, which require the cooperation and commitment of various stakeholders In this Inclusive Peace learning we
Making peace and political transition processes meaningfully inclusive and gender-responsive
In the framework of our “Enhancing Women’s Leadership for Sustainable Peace in Fragile Contexts in the MENA region” project in collaboration with UN Women, over the past two years Inclusive Peace has been working on an overarching body of
Reading, Film & Podcast Recommendations: April
Our team has selected books and webinars that they found interesting, engaging and informative to enjoy this month Read The Earth Transformed, Peter Frankopan The book explores the interactions between human societies and the environment, with a particular focus on how
Faith-based actors in National Dialogues: Key takeaways from our latest peer exchange
The latest instalment in March 2023 of our National Dialogue peer-exchange series explored the somewhat overlooked potential of faith-based actors to influence National Dialogues Here are five key takeaways from the discussion led by expert National Dialogue practitioners Faith-based
Reading, Film & Podcast Recommendations: March
Our March readings and podcasts selection includes books, articles, and podcasts we think you’ll enjoy READING Social Movements and NGOs: Can They Get Along? Outlines some of the pitfalls and pathways towards more impactful partnership between NGOs and Movements At Inclusive
Tapping into the potential of faith-based actors to shape pathways to sustainable peace
Faith-based actors can have a fundamental influence in relation to peace and political transition processes Given the legitimacy, influence, and public platform they possess, religious leaders (and institutions) can either sow the seeds for peace, or fan the flames
Reading and Podcast Recommendations: January
We’ve put together a selection of readings, podcasts and video recommendation that we think you might enjoy this new year READING Tattoos on the Heart by Greg Boyle The founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest Gang reinsertion program in the world,
Reading and Podcast Recommendations: December
We’ve put together a selection of readings and podcasts that we think you might enjoy in December READING Yemen’s Incomplete National Dialogue: Insights on the Design and Negotiations Dynamics by Ibrahim Jalal An analysis of Yemen’s National Dialogue, identifying a number
Militarisation and Feminist Foreign Policy: Our Workshop at Geneva Peace Week 2022
Our session at GPW 2022 “Increasing militarisation and feminist foreign policy: compatible or worlds apart?” – co-organised with the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, the Government of Mexico, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the German Mission to
Paris Peace Forum: Takeaways on the Theme of Fostering more Inclusive and Just Societies
The 5th Paris Peace Forum, which took place from November 11-12, hosted several sessions on topics related to the overarching theme of the forum, “Riding out the Multicrisis” At a time when the international community is experiencing rising conflicts
National Dialogues and Peace Talks: Key takeaways from our latest peer exchange
The latest instalment in October 2022 of our National Dialogue peer-exchange series looked at the interplay of National Dialogues and peace negotiations Here are five key takeaways from the discussion led by expert National Dialogue practitioners National Dialogues (NDs)
Violence prevention without sustainability: an assessment of Kenya’s presidential election
Kenya held its general election in August 2022 Every time there are elections, the region holds its breath in the hope that no major violence will break out that could paralyse the nation and the region It did not
Our new Head of Peace Process Support champions a different approach to peacebuilding
“Working at Inclusive Peace has given me the opportunity to be part of a team determined to undertake peacemaking and peacebuilding differently” – Alex Shoebridge As the Head of Peace Process Support within Inclusive Peace, Alex Shoebridge is an old
Going Local: Rethinking Approaches to Peace in Yemen
On 19-20 July, 2022, our Head of Peace Process Support, Alex Shoebridge and Programme Analyst, Farah Abou Harb joined Yemen Policy Center to talk to Yemen experts, peace practitioners and researchers to rethink peacemaking in Istanbul
Stockholm Forum: ‘Create space for youth activists rather than dictate the space’
What can peacebuilders learn from youth climate activists? This was the main question driving the lively debate at our session with Humanity United at this year’s Stockholm Forum for Peace and Development The annual conference took
Head of Research prioritises new generation of peace researchers
Caroline Varin joins Inclusive Peace this month as the new Head of Research She shares her perspectives and priorities in the role: “The next generation of peace researchers has a markedly different approach than academics of the post-WW2
The overlap and disconnect between climate change and peace processes
This third installment in our content series Five trends that shaped peace and political processes explores the interrelation between climate change, peace and conflict and suggested ways forward to address these challenges holistically There is a
Ukraine crisis exposes need to reform European and global peace architecture
In this blog, Dr Thania Paffenholz critiques the West’s polarising response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and advocates for reform to ensure the participation of different actors in the pursuit of peace As Russia’s brutal attack on Ukraine
Shifting the focus from inclusive processes to inclusive outcomes
Inclusion has for over a decade been a buzzword in the peacebuilding field We know when inclusion works, peace agreements are more likely to endure if youth, women and diverse minorities take part Inclusion is now central
PEACEBUILDING LESSON #3: In conversation with Tecla Namachanja
We meet Tecla Namachanja, a renowned peacebuilder, specialised in transitional justice and social trauma healing Drawing on decades of experience, she provides insights on supporting communities who have suffered violent conflict and human rights violations in Kenya through various
What racist media coverage of Ukraine says about the way ‘the West’ engages in global conflicts
The news agenda plays a major role in ways in which conflict and peace processes are perceived in the world Our Peace Process Support Coordinator, Alex Shoebridge reflects on media coverage of Ukraine and the consequences for other global
Ethiopia: How women are influencing the National Dialogue process
We share insights from our ongoing process support work in Ethiopia, which includes collaboration with women’s rights organisations and networks to increase women’s representation and influence in the National Dialogue process Over the past few months, Inclusive Peace
Ukraine: what could this mean for Belarus’ civil society?
In this piece our Peace Process Support Coordinator, Alexander Shoebridge reflects on how the events in Ukraine may create unforeseen entry points in Belarus, and can prompt civil society to rethink how they seek to counter the regime Few could
Sarah Taylor and Thania Paffenholz on the status of the WPS agenda, the international system and what it takes to move on
This newest piece in our trend content series deals with some of the underlying factors for why women’s inclusion in peace and political transition processes is still lacking and what there is to do about it Our Associate
4 reasons to download the PeaceFem app
Created through a partnership between Inclusive Peace, PeaceRep: The Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform, and Monash University, the PeaceFem App brings together available data on women and gender provisions in peace negotiations and implementation in one easy-to-use app
Five key takeaways from our latest event on National Dialogues and elections
In January, we hosted a discussion on the interplay between National Dialogues and national elections – we here bring you the five key takeaways built on insights from an outstanding set of experts and practitioners A National Dialogue does not
Comment: Recent UNSC debates show imagination and collaboration
While the UN Security Council’s agenda continues to be dominated by emerging and sustained crises, recent efforts by non-permanent Member States show a promising level of imagination and collaboration Following recent debates in the UN Security Council, we at Inclusive
Why authoritarian backlash happens, and what civic actors can do
This first instalment in our content series Five trends that shaped peace and political processes in 2021 explains why authoritarian backlash happens in countries in political transitions and what change makers and their supporters might do in case
PEACEBUILDING LESSONS #2: An expert facilitator’s key takeaways from Colombia’s peace process
In our November newsletter, we introduced our new content series peacebuilding lessons where we give you key insights and lessons learned from a variety of peacebuilding and peacemaking processes This month, we hear from our Executive Director, Thania Paffenholz,
Hybrid consultations: How might women move along the Yemen peace process?
In a new partnership, we explore options for moving forward the Yemen peace process in collaboration with UN Women Yemen and Yemeni civil society actors Inclusive Peace has in partnership with UN Women and the Yemeni civil society, namely the
RETHINKING PEACE PROCESSES: Our workshop at Geneva Peace Week 2021
It’s event season and at Inclusive Peace, we jumped right into November with a well-attended online session at Geneva Peace Week 2021 on building and sustaining perpetual peace Thanks to both our speakers, moderators, participants and co-organizers, it became
November marks fifteen years since the Nepal Peace Agreement was signed We reflect on the anniversary in this first instalment in our series of inclusive peacebuilding lessons This peacebuilding lesson is based on our case study on women’s participation in
From perpetual war to perpetual peacebuilding in Yemen
On Sunday the 5th of September, the newly-appointed UN Envoy, Hans Grundberg, officially assumed his duties Next week will mark six years since the Huthis first entered the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, precipitating a civil war which had been
Inclusive Peace welcomes two new researchers to the team
At Inclusive Peace we are thrilled to have welcomed two new researchers to the team over the summer This means that our research capacities are getting even stronger and enables us to provide the latest evidence-based advice in peace
Partnership: Funding opportunity for women civil society organisations
Inclusive Peace has partnered with the Women Peace and Humanitarian Fund Rapid Response Window – a funding mechanism that addresses the funding gap on women’s participation in peace processes What is it? The Rapid Response Window is
National Dialogues and politicisation: Peers and practitioners experiences from across the globe
In a recent Inclusive Peace event, we explored the inherently political nature of National Dialogues with peers or practitioners from Africa and Southeast Asia Read an excerpt of their recounts or dive into key takeaways from the discussion
Perpetual Peacebuilding: Changing the way we think about and make peace
The mediation and peacebuilding community is stuck in traditional approaches to peace and conflict that need a fundamental rethink Our ED’s new peacebuilding paradigm offers brand new ideas and solutions for more effective and sustainable mediation and
Five ways Inclusive Peace is different from its predecessor IPTI
Inclusive Peace not only has a new name and brand, but also a changed approach, objectives and priorities Get to know the “new” Inclusive Peace here A little over a year after Inclusive Peace transitioned from the Inclusive
Is it possible to counteract patriarchal structures in the peace and security field? Yes. Here’s how
Over the last decades, women’s crucial role in effective peacebuilding has increasingly been recognised But women’s participation in formal peace processes remains at unacceptably low levels Here’s our take on how to better counteract patriarchal structures and
PeaceFem App: Our latest contribution to peacetech in use all over the world
At Inclusive Peace, we generate knowledge products designed to be used by practitioners, policymakers, and researchers We do so in new and innovative ways, and in our collaboration with partners on the PeaceFem app, we are inspiring peacemakers across
Pitches for Peace event inspired and sparked discussion
In October 2020, Inclusive Peace marked the 20th anniversary of the Women, Peace, and Security agenda by inviting women engaged in peace processes to discuss their creative Pitches for Peace with high-level representatives from the UN and member states Achieving
New events series on National Dialogues
At Inclusive Peace, we give advice on National Dialogue processes in different countries and continue to expand our research and expertise Following a request from our partners, we have started a series of peer-exchange events to explore different aspects
Examples of our peace process support
Inclusive Peace is involved extensively in peace and political reform processes across the globe Here are some examples of the type of advice we provide At Inclusive Peace, we support actors engaged in peace and political transition processes, working to