Save the date: January
Each month we bring you a selection of key peacebuilding dates and events in the month to come. Here our choice of selected January events.
Jan 20.: National Dialogue Peer and Expert Exchange
At Inclusive Peace, we look forward to hosting the third installment in our National Dialogues peer and expert online exchange event series. In this event we will discuss opportunities and challenges in the intersection between national dialogues and elections with a select group of peers and experts. Check out the key outcomes from our last event in the series and look out for outcomes from this discussion in our February newsletter.
Jan 20.-21.: Basel Peace Forum
Keeping and promoting peace in times of pandemics, wars, and climate change, requires innovative solutions and approaches. The next Basel Peace Forum focuses on the links between peace, conflict and the agency of cities and the power of emotions in peacebuilding. If you are interested in joining and have not received an invitation, reach out to the organisers. Also see last year’s sum up for a better look at what Basel Peace Forum is all about.
Jan 26.-28.: PeaceCon
In light of recent global climate, health and political crises that have challenged our way of thinking and acting the tenth anniversary of annual Peace Conference #PeaceCon@10 aims to address these obstacles and explore pathways to overcome them. Check out the agenda for this year’s event and sign up to join the fight for a more peaceful global future!