Save the date: May

Each month we bring you a selection of key peacebuilding dates in the month to come. Here are a choice of selected May events and observances. 

03 May: World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom day is celebrated through a 4-day conference, hosted by @UNESCO and the Republic of Uruguay from the 2 to 5 May under the theme “Journalism under Digital Siege”. The workshops will reunite relevant global stakeholders to explore the digital era’s impact on freedom of expression, the safety of journalists, access to information and privacy. Inclusive Peace supports this international call to governments to respect their commitment to press freedom and joins efforts to develop concrete solutions to address the threats posed by increased surveillance to press freedom and privacy.

03-05 May: Bologna Peacebuilding Forum

The Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) holds the 4th edition of the Bologna Peacebuilding Forum, a major event in Italy and Europe for the sector. Under the theme, ‘Reimagining Conflict Prevention’, the conference seeks to strengthen the network of peacebuilding scholars and practitioners to improve policy-oriented research and fieldwork, and reach new audiences. 

21 May: World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

In 2002, the UN General Assembly declared May 21 to be the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development in resolution 57/249, “affirming culture’s contribution to the three dimensions of sustainable development, acknowledging further the natural and cultural diversity of the world, and recognising that cultures and civilizations can contribute to, and are crucial enablers of, sustainable development.” 

The 4 goals of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions guide the celebrations and actions taken around this observance.

23-25 May: Stockholm Forum

The hybrid 2022 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development is co-hosted by SIPRI and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs under the theme ‘From a Human Security Crisis Towards an Environment of Peace’. Inclusive Peace will host a session with Humanity United on Monday 23 May at 17:30 CEST to explore what peacebuilders can learn from climate activists and how these movements can collaborate more: Fridays for peace? What youth peacebuilders can learn from global youth climate advocacy. Check out this page for more information and the official registration dates here.