Partnership: Funding opportunity for women civil society organisations

Inclusive Peace has partnered with the Women Peace and Humanitarian Fund Rapid Response Window – a funding mechanism that addresses the funding gap on women’s participation in peace processes.

What is it?
The Rapid Response Window is a funding mechanism that supports the participation of women peacebuilders and women’s civil society organisations in national, subnational and international formal peace processes and the monitoring and implementation of peace agreements.

Why the Rapid Response Window?
Women have a right to meaningful participation, yet financial barriers still exclude them from peace processes worldwide. The Rapid Response Window supports urgent services and initiatives that facilitate women’s access and influence on peace processes and the implementation of peace agreements.

What’s Inclusive Peace’s role?
As a partner of the Rapid Response Window, we provide technical expertise and advisory support to local and grassroots civil society organisations to ensure women’s access and influence in track 1 and track 2 peace processes. The costs for our experts and advisors are covered through our partnership with the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund.

Who can apply?
This Rapid Response Window is open to peace processes in all ODA eligible countries with a track 1 or track 2 peace process. Organizations applying for support do not require legal registration.

What else?
This new funding mechanism addresses the gap for financial support for women’s participation in peace processes that has been lacking for decades. Now it is about getting the word out to eligible women-led civil society organisations that seek to have an impact on peace in their countries through this new mechanism.

How can you help?
Share what the Rapid Response Window is and how to apply with your network on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook or send directly to people or organisations that can benefit from this mechanism.

To find out more about the fund, please send us an email:


Factors Enabling and Constraining Women's Influence in Peace Processes

This infographic provides an overview of 19 factors enabling and constraining women’s influence in peacebuilding and peace processes.

December 2019|IPTI,


Making Women Count - Not Just Counting Women: Assessing Women's Inclusion and Influence on Peace Negotiations

This report is based on the multi-year research project “Broadening Participation in Political Negotiations and Implementation”. It examines women’s inclusion and influence in peace processes.

April 2016|Steven Dixon, Anna-Lena Schluchter, Jacquie True, Thania Paffenholz, Nick Ross,

Briefing Note,

Making Women Count in Peace Processes

This briefing note summarises key findings on women's inclusion and influence in peacebuilding and peace processes. It is based on the “Broadening Participation in Political Negotiations and Implementation” research project.

February 2016|IPTI,

Briefing Note,

Fresh Insights on the Quantity and Quality of Women’s Inclusion in Peace Processes

This briefing note summarises expert views on women's inclusion in peace processes. It is based on findings from the “Broadening Participation” and “Civil Society and Peacebuilding” Projects.

May 2013|Antonia Potter Prentice, Cate Buchanan, Thania Paffenholz,