4 reasons to download the PeaceFem app

Created through a partnership between Inclusive Peace, PeaceRep: The Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform, and Monash University, the PeaceFem App brings together available data on women and gender provisions in peace negotiations and implementation in one easy-to-use app.

The platform was designed specifically with the advancement of the WPS agenda in mind and is intended for use by women’s rights advocates, mediation and negotiation teams, and other actors working in peace and mediation processes. As such, and as any other resource that we provide, we are constantly trying to improve the aptness of tools we can offer fellow peacebuilders and customise them to their needs.

PeaceFem v2 walkthrough video

Here are 4 reasons why you should give the app a try:

COMPARATIVE STRATEGIES: PeaceFem provides information about strategies women’s rights advocates have used to influence peace agreements, information about the enabling and constraining factors that shaped the space for influence, and the gender provisions in the peace agreements that resulted and information as to how well they were implemented.

EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH: The app draws on PA-X peace agreement data from the University of Edinburgh, and 30 case studies developed by Inclusive Peace and Monash University’s Gender, Peace and Security Centre. Additional countries in this 2023 version features case studies from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Tunisia.

CUSTOMISATION: The platform is easy to use and intuitive – you can filter your search by region, country/entity, peace process, provision category, and strategy category

ACCESSIBILITY: All content is accessible in both English, Arabic, French, and Indonesian and can, moreover, be downloaded and is then easily available offline, so the app can even be used in areas with little or no internet connectivity.

Not convinced yet? Here is a bonus reason: the platform is a free resource that is meant to inspire and help focus your work while only taking up 50MB on your phone.

Download the app here for Android or iOS and try it for yourself! Also, feel free to let us know what you think under our designated feedback channel: peacefem@ed.ac.uk